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    Showing 14 search results

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    Piping Designer

    Nantong Shi

    Academic Bachelor

    > 10 Years

    In order to develop the design successfully within agreed scope and schedule YOU ARE TO: 1.1. Utilize technical knowledge and software tools to clearly depict the design that can be easily and correctly interpreted by others 1.2. Communicate with Engineers and/or Lead Designer to ensure design intent is understood to avoid rework 1.3. Plan and deliver assigned tasks accurately within the agreed time frame. 1.4. Prioritize activities and effectively manage conflicting deadlines ensuring continued progress to meet the schedule. Proactively provide Lead Designer with status updates 1.5. Organize documents and deliverables so they are easy to understand and locate 1.6. Collaborate with Engineers and other Designers to share information, produce a high quality product, and resolve design conflicts 1.7. Escalate unresolved issues to the Lead Designer/Engineer to minimize delays in deliverables To ensure the quality of design deliverables YOU ARE TO: 2.1. Be self-motivated to improve technical competencies for assigned tasks 2.2. Understand how assigned tasks fit within the project schedule and affect other stakeholders in meeting deadlines 2.3. Demonstrate adaptability in implementing change while ensuring MOC procedures are used 2.4. Ensure consistency of design and symbology. Perform self- checks to produce error-free deliverables 2.5. Collaborate with Package Engineers to ensure timely review of vendor documents and that comments are made with the required quality level 2.6. Comply with project scope, work instructions, specifications, codes, industry standards and regulations per project requirements

    Storekeeper (Mandarin Speaking)

    Nantong Shi

    Academic Bachelor

    > 10 Years

    1) Establish and Maintain Effective Working Relationships 1 Establish and maintain effective working relationships with team, colleagues and visitors to the working environment. 2 Establish and maintain effective communications with Company representatives and client. 3 Carry out accurate and effective handovers. 4 Ensure Assistant or Trainee Storekeeper is trained and assessed in timely fashion. 5 Perform appraisals and competence development in positive and helpful manner. 2) Control and Maintain Stock Levels Effectively 1 Maintain accurate and transparent records using Computerised Stock Control System. 2 Receive stock and check off accurately against manifests and Purchase Orders/Requisitions. 3 Carry out accurate and regular stock audits. 4 Maintain stock minimum/maximum levels and keep equipment and materials in stock ready for immediate issue. 5 Liaise with all departments to ensure effective and efficient provision of equipment and materials. 6 Ensure equipment and materials are clearly and correctly identified and stored in correct locations. 7 Ensure correct certification of equipment and materials e.g. PSVs. 8 Perform continuous appraisal of equipment and materials requirements through liaison with Heads of Departments and Operations Office. 3) Maintain Stock Security and Safety 1 Maintain security of equipment storage areas and control access to storage areas and stock. 2 Control access to computer systems and records financial information, manifests bills of lading etc 3 Maintain all equipment and stock storage areas in clean and tidy condition preventing accumulation of debris. 4 Control issue of equipment from equipment storage areas. 4) Monitor and Maintain Pollution Control Measures 1 Unplanned discharges to the environment are identified, halted where possible, and reported according to policy, procedure and regulation. 2 Relevant PPE is used to deal with unplanned discharges using company procedures. 3 Equipment, waste or other materials for disposal are dealt with according to the correct procedure. 4 Environmental protection and pollution control are enforced effectively with colleagues, subordinates and subcontractors. 5) Emergency Response 1 Carry out Emergency Response role. 2 Show competence during drills and exercises.

    Mechanical Design Engineer

    Zhuhai Shi

    Academic Bachelor

    4-6 Years

    THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE AN IMPACT... You familiarize yourself with the mechanical systems and constructions of Ebusco buses, understanding their interactions and dependencies. You navigate and extract necessary information from our 3D CAD system (NX) and PLM system (Teamcenter). You acquaint yourself with various production assembly stations and mechanical installation methods to provide informed support. You translate technical information from the Engineering Bill of Materials (EBOM) into practical assembly instructions for production teams. You actively participate in the engineering change process, including processing TRIs and ECRs into modified production assembly instructions. You collaborate with the engineering department in the Netherlands to discuss and create solutions for existing technical problems. You provide direct support to production teams on mechanical subjects, raising and solving TRIs, and determining when TRIs should be converted into ECRs for permanent BOM changes with engineering input from the Netherlands. You investigate mechanical system issues on buses as part of production support and devise effective solutions. You proactively identify and suggest improvements to the bus assembly process.


    Shanghai Shanghai

    Academic Master +

    > 10 Years

    We have a current opportunity for a 医美研发项目负责人 on a permanent basis. The position will be based in 上海. For further information about this position please apply. 1.负责项目的研发工作(包括技术方案、设计方案等)并确保质量符合要求 2.对所承担项目的可行性进行评估与论证 3.组织设计人员完成设计方案及进度控制,并跟进实施过程,解决项目实施过程中的问题 4.负责对各阶段产品进行检验,并出具相应的检验报告 5.协助相关部门制定项目相关的制度文件 6.定期对相关数据进行分析汇总 7.完成领导交办的其他任务 职位要求: 硕士及以上学历,有团队管理经验。 具备较强的责任心和团队合作精神。 具有较好的沟通表达能力和协调能力。 有医学背景优先。 熟练使用office办公软件。

    Marketing Head-Pharma Rx


    Academic Bachelor

    > 10 Years

    1、行业洞察:及时了解国家经济、产业政策以及临床领域情况,洞察行业发展趋势及竞品策略,并进行分析和科学预测,为公司决策提供依据; 2、产品全生命周期管理:结合外部市场信息及内部产品布局情况,为研发端新品引进提供建议;负责新品上市营销与推广;明确产品定位及产品组合,布局渠道网络;推进产品定价,为产品损益负责; 3、策略制定及跟进执行:结合产品战略及销售目标,制定产品营销、品牌传播及推广策略,并与区域密切沟通,监控产品在区域的业绩表现,实时分析、提示风险、落实改善举措,助力销售目标达成; 4、学术平台搭建及关键KOL管理:搭建公司产品相关跨领域交流的学术平台,持续建设KOL专家网络并维护管理,提升公司品牌影响力; 5、市场体系搭建:制定相关制度流程,建立健全的市场营销体系;建立市场活动执行监督及管控标准,确保活动有效性;搭建销售赋能体系,持续提升销售技能; 6、费用预算及控制:制定公司市场费用预算,合理控制市场费用支出; 7、团队管理:明确部门关键结果指标,牵引并指导团队达成拿到业务结果;并持续提升团队能力,构建人才梯队。


    Shanghai Shanghai

    Academic Bachelor

    6-9 Years

    We have a current opportunity for a 数字营销经理 on a permanent basis. The position will be based in Shanghai. For further information about this position please apply. 岗位职责:一、 电商运营管理⚫ 确保线上平台(包括但不限于天猫、京东等)的日常运营稳定,执行产品销售策略,并推动多渠道推广计划的实施。定期监控和分析平台数据,优化运营策略,提升产品曝光度和销售量。⚫ 负责全年电商大型促销活动的创意策划与执行,包括活动方案制定、执行细节安排及活动后的效果评估与复盘。利用数据分析工具,评估活动效果,提出改进建议。⚫ 推动妇科营养品新产品在电商渠道的准入,包括市场调研、竞品分析、渠道谈判等。二、 互联网医院运营⚫ 完成新产品在互联网医院渠道的准入流程,包括资质审核、渠道对接等。⚫ 制定并实施互联网医院的全面推广计划,涵盖落地页设计、医生与患者两端的推广策略、目标设定与细化分解。⚫ 利用 SEO、 SEM、社交媒体等线上推广手段,提升互联网医院的知名度和用户粘性。⚫ 项协助销售团队进行项目推广,包括操作培训、数据监控与分析、解决平台操作难题。确保医生端与患者端操作体验顺畅,提升用户满意度。三、 品牌宣传与建设⚫ 制定并执行公司品牌宣传的整体策略,策划并执行品牌相关的线上线下活动。监控品牌传播效果,及时调整宣传策略。⚫ 与集团公共事务部门紧密合作,负责公司官网、官方微信公众号、展厅等内容的制作、上线及持续优化。确保品牌信息的准确性和时效性。⚫ 制作公司品牌及大众教育宣传内容,包括但不限于视频、图文、 PPT 等多媒体材料。提升品牌形象和用户认知度。⚫ 建立并维护与主流媒体的良好合作关系,有效执行公司品牌宣传计划。监测媒体舆论,及时应对危机公关。四、产品和项目管理⚫ 制定产品再上市策略,包括市场调研、产品定位、渠道管理及销售支持工作。监控产品市场表现,及时调整销售策略。⚫ 协助完成产品的上市筹备与执行工作,包括产品宣传、渠道拓展等。⚫ 负责捐赠项目的启动工作,制定并执行项目执行的标准操作流程( SOP)。确保项目各环节流程顺畅,按月输出项目总结报告,评估项目效果。⚫ 设计并落地执行红基会项目方案,包括项目策划、执行、监控及评估。按季度输出项目总结,确保项目目标的达成。五、私域流量运营⚫ 开拓并管理私域流量渠道,如抖音、快手、小红书等自媒体矩阵。与线下营销团队协同,实现私域流量的有效转化及社群管理。⚫ 初步构建并实现私域流量向销售的转化模型,提升用户粘性与转化率。利用数据分析工具,优化转化流程,提升销售效果。任职资格:

    User Increase Head


    Academic Bachelor

    4-6 Years

    主要职责:- 制定和实施全面的用户增长战略,包括但不限于用户获取、激活、留存和推荐。- 对To C和To B产品线的用户增长目标进行规划和执行。- 分析市场趋势,竞争对手动态,以及用户行为,以优化增长策略。- 与产品、技术、销售和客户服务团队紧密合作,确保增长策略与公司整体目标一致。- 管理预算,确保增长活动的ROI最大化。- 利用数据分析工具监控关键指标,定期报告增长活动的效果,并根据数据进行优化。- 建立和维护与关键合作伙伴的关系,以支持增长目标。基本要求:- 学士学位,市场营销、商业管理或相关领域。- 至少5年的用户增长、市场推广或相关领域的工作经验。- 熟悉To C和To B市场,有成功推动产品增长的案例。- 强大的数据分析能力,熟练使用CRM系统等工具。- 出色的项目管理和团队领导能力。优先考虑:- 拥有数字营销、SEO、社交媒体营销和内容营销的经验。- 有在技术或SaaS行业工作的经验。- 拥有PMP(项目管理专业人士)认证或相关证书。

    HVAC Engineer

    Nantong Shi

    Academic Bachelor

    > 10 Years

    As HVAC Engineer, you utilize your knowledge and experience to perform conceptual and detailed engineering design related to HVAC engineering activities ensuring compliance with international codes, Company specifications, and industry standards and regulations. You may be assigned as a Package Engineer with technical responsibility for the design, procurement and manufacture of the Package. The HVAC Engineer must be able to prioritize assigned activities and collaborate with Engineers and Designers both within and outside the Discipline as needed to ensure deliverables. *The HVAC Engineer may act as Discipline Lead for assigned projects. Our Vision. SBM Offshore believes the oceans will provide the world with safe, sustainable and affordable energy for generations to come. We share our experience to make it happen. Our Profile. We design, build, install and operate offshore floating facilities for the offshore energy industry. As a leading technology provider, we put our marine expertise at the service of a responsible energy transition by reducing emissions from fossil fuel production, while developing cleaner solutions for renewable energy sources. More than 7,000 SBMers worldwide are committed to sharing their experience to deliver safe, sustainable and affordable energy from the oceans for generations to come. Together, we are driving progress forward in a TRUE. BLUE. TRANSITION. #OGJS Contract Type: Contractor Duration:01st Jan.2025 to 31 March.2026 ROLE PURPOSE As HVAC Engineer, you utilize your knowledge and experience to perform conceptual and detailed engineering design related to HVAC engineering activities ensuring compliance with international codes, Company specifications, and industry standards and regulations. You may be assigned as a Package Engineer with technical responsibility for the design, procurement and manufacture of the Package. The HVAC Engineer must be able to prioritize assigned activities and collaborate with Engineers and Designers both within and outside the Discipline as needed to ensure deliverables. *The HVAC Engineer may act as Discipline Lead for assigned projects. ROLE CONTRIBUTION 1. In order that assigned activities are completed successfully YOU ARE TO: 1.1. Understand, plan and deliver assigned tasks with accuracy within agreed time frame 1.2. Identify areas requiring more detailed instructions and clarify understanding/expectation as necessary with Discipline Lead; ensure no surprises 1.3. Develop engineering documents in a manner that the design intent can be interpreted correctly 1.4. Complete tasks in compliance with applicable engineering codes, industry standards/regulations and work procedures 1.5. Proactively interface with Discipline Lead and peers for resolving issues, sharing information and progress 1.6. Seek clarification or guidance as soon as difficulties arise; recommend alternative solutions 1.7. Perform thorough self-check of all deliverables prior to submission for review /approval 1.8. Properly plan work to allow adequate time for documents to be thoroughly checked to ensure accuracy The measure of your effectiveness in this will be: Performance Feedback from Discipline Leads Timeline and accuracy in completing tasks 2. In order to achieve effective interface management YOU ARE TO: 2.1. Understand how assigned tasks will affect all disciplines and stakeholders; provide timely and accurate input to other disciplines in support of their design requirements in meeting deadlines 2.2. Proactively provide Discipline Lead with status updates, highlight concerns as they arise, and prioritize assigned activities to meet key milestones 2.3. Network with stakeholders to serve as a source of support in executing project deliverables; ensure proactive two-way communication 2.4. Produce consistent/organized documents in a well-structured format to clearly convey required information 2.5. Coordinate with vendors, subcontractors, third party consultants, etc. to ensure timely review of documents and that comments are made with required quality level 2.6. Provide timely and accurate input to other disciplines in support of their design requirements and project deliverables The measure of your effectiveness in this will be:  Demonstrated effective interfaces within and across-disciplines  Timely closure of interface issues

    Project Package Manager (Mandarin Speaking)

    Haiyang City, Shandong Province

    Academic Bachelor

    > 10 Years

    Responsibilities Project Management - Oversees the EPC phase and to ensure timely completion of engineering, procurement and construction activities Schedule Management - Develop detailed EPC plans and schedule for assigned work areas/packages and to integrate with the overall project schedule. Assures all key elements of the EPC schedule is identified and linked to its predecessors and sucessors to build a robust project schedule. Monitoring of progress and to provide regular forecasts and updates to the EPC schedule. Leadership - Leading and encouraging multi-disciplinary teams to perform. Provide input to the project manager to co-develop key strategies and plans. Ability to make timely decisions and to remove barriers on the project when present. Participate in leadership and project sponsors meetings. Promote and to champion HSSEQ initiatives throughout all phases of the project. Team and Resource Management - Define resource requirements for its team on the project Promote team cohesiveness and collaboration to maximise their performance

    Production Director - Bioprocess Consumable Products


    Academic Bachelor

    > 10 Years

    职位描述 1、落实执行一次性耗材车间的生产目标和计划 2、督导下属主管协调安排、派发工单,跟踪执行情况,确保落实和执行 3、协调、优化各工序、工位配合,收集工艺流程、生产设备等方面的反馈建议 4、汇总分析生产记录、生产质量检查的记录,进行偏差调查,有针对性地组织改善质量,需要时与工艺、设计等部门协商。 5、督导遵守操作规程,维护、管理设备工具、工位周边环境,达到5S 6、督导遵守安全制度,按规定指定安全员,保障督查安全生产。

    Development Engineer Customer IT

    Zhuhai Shi

    Academic Bachelor

    4-6 Years

    THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE AN IMPACT... You will provide technical support during the production process, including the ability to investigate and resolve technical errors in IT systems. You should also be capable of installing prototype parts into physical buses as needed. You will collaborate with IT and engineering teams to integrate key customer-specific IT systems, such as payment solutions, passenger counting systems, LED screens, and back-office software, into our electric buses. You will create detailed electrical diagrams of IT equipment according to both customer and manufacturer specifications. You will specify in 3D the IT harnesses for assigned bus projects, ensuring all designs meet the highest standards. You will develop comprehensive harness drawings based on the created electrical diagrams, ensuring that all documentation is accurate and aligns with project requirements. You will conduct reviews to ensure that all IT-related components meet quality standards and comply with regulations in the automotive sector. You will drive innovation and continuous improvement in IT integration processes, fostering a culture of excellence in integrating advanced technology into the EV ecosystem.

    Mechanical Supervisor - FPSO (Mandarin Speaking)

    Nantong Shi

    Academic Bachelor

    > 10 Years

    1) Manage And Supervise Effectively 1 Establish effective relationships with colleagues and subordinates. 2 Establish scope of work clearly (briefings, toolbox talks, presentations). 3 Plan and control use of resources effectively. (Personnel, time, materials, transport, IT). 4 Use of communication skills shows leadership (oral, teambuilding, recording, noting, handover, analysing. 5 Objective and consistent in assessment of subordinates using competence assessment system. 6 Ensure all Maintenance (Routine and breakdown) is completed and recorded accurately and clearly 7 Ensure all plant and machinery complies with Class and Inspections 2) Dismantle, Repair and Reassemble Mechanical Equipment. 1 Identify potential sources of hazard prior to dismantling. 2 Use correct procedures and correct method of dismantling. 3 Carry out the correct isolation and disconnection procedure. 4 Identify, check and prepare components. 5 Make effective repairs without wasting resources. 6 Apply appropriate tests and test equipment to ensure reassembly is correct and effective prior to reinstatement. 7 Carry out test runs on equipment by agreement with Operations. 8 Clearly record any checks and actions taken in work history/log. 3) Condition Monitor Mechanical Equipment. 1 Obtain and check equipment datum point for condition monitoring purposes. 2 Set up and use condition monitoring equipment correctly. 3 Obtain accurate readings and record in database. 4) Diagnose faults in Mechanical Equipment. 1 Respond promptly to problems in line with approved procedures. 2 Select appropriate tests and diagnostic procedures and apply them methodically. 3 Use the results of inspections to determine the appropriate actions to take. 4 Record an accurate and full description in the appropriate document history. 5) Monitor and Maintain Pollution Control Measures 1 Ensure that controlled discharges from area of responsibility to the environment are within prescribed limits. 2 Identify and halt unplanned discharges where possible, and reported immediately according to Management System Procedures 3 Equipment, waste or other materials for disposal are dealt with according to the correct procedure. 4 Resources such as PPE materials tools and spares are not wasted or used inefficiently. 6) Contribute to The Health and Safety of the Working Environment 1 Work area within your own responsibility is kept clean and free of hazards. 2 Positive action is taken to stop hazards and unsafe behaviours. 3 All potential and actual incidents are reported to the relevant supervisor. 7) Emergency Response 1 Show competence during drills and exercises. 2 Perform Emergency Response Role Competently

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